Business Picking Up.....
Less Time to Blog.....
Sorry ladies and gents, if anyone still comes here, for lack of consistent blogs lately, as I have been working more and more. This is a good thing, as I now can have more MONEY to do the things I want to do, and to get repairs and upgrades I need taken care of done. As a result, you may not see this updated as frequently as it once was. But take heart, (if anyone still there), that I will continue posting when I can, AND, I will focus, (as My friend Matt has had to do at times) on WMD. WMD will take priority in blogging, so feel free to check out my thoughts over there.
The Assault on Conservatism
Friends, Conservatives, even moderates like my friend Matt, are under attack in this country. Now, I am not talking about some of the whackos like Pat Buchanan or Pat Robertson. No, I am talking about mainstream conservatives and our beliefs.
More and more, we are being portrayed as vengeful, evil people. Look at all portrayals on the West Wing, for instance. The Republican who briefly held power there (played by John Goodman), was written as not a good person. More and more, conservatives are under attack. Here are some examples.
We are not allowed the same religious rights as others. While others can put up menorahs or kwanzaa candles or such, Christians cannot seem to be allowed to put up religious displays. More and more, this freedom is being denied us. Why? Could it be that liberals are afraid of a religion that emphasizes personal responsibility for actions? Could it be they do not want us worshipping God but government?
If we even identify ourselves as conservatives, our views are ignored. Liberals are supposedly the open minded people. Why is it they refuse to listen to or even think about conservative positions, except to attack? If liberals are so open minded, why is it they are holding out a highly respected and qualified black woman to the federal courts? Of course, she is a conservative, so she must be a sellout to her people. They ruined the chances of Miguel Estrada, even though he was the highest qualified person the Bar association had screened.
Liberals are allowed to trash our country, our leader all they want. They can burn flags, they can call our President a gang leader, they can call America shameful or say they hate what America is doing. However, when conservatives quit buying these people's products, we are labelled as close-minded, as racist, ignorant, or misinformed. Why is it liberals are free from the responsibility of their statements? When a conservative makes a mistake, people are encouraged to ridicule them, to quit listening to them, or quit buying their products. However, do that to a liberal and you are labelled as hateful, spiteful, etc. It could never be that you actually do not like the comments, and it has changed your views about the celebrity/person who is selling the product, that you do not care to support such views. NO, it can never be that. It is just because you are ignorant, according to liberals.
See, that is the ultimate insult of the liberal mindset. They claim to be all about helping those less fortunate than them, etc. However, what do they do to help? They call those who disagree with them the vast unwashed, make people dependent on government programs, like a junkie to a dealer, and instill cycles of poverty and dependence in neighborhoods.....Are their policies truly helping, or is it maintaining the status quo of poverty in neighborhoods? Yet, if someone rose out of poverty and made something of themselves, they are called sellouts because they did not need liberal help. Is that really helping?
It just makes me ill the sanctimony of the liberals, who think they are smarter than you and me, the vast public, that we have no clue, that we want to be junkies taking their addictive programs. They are killing our country by instilling apathy and instilling an attitude of no responsibility. Say something stupid, as long as it is pro-liberal, and you are protected. Make someone be held accountable, and you are close minded and petty, unless you are attacking a conservative.
Who are the truly close-minded people now, I wonder? The liberal elite, and those who think like them, who use their own wealth and prosperity to hold themselves up, while sniping at others for being well off...etc.
I am not saying that we cannot be friends with liberals or democrats. One of the young people I treasure in my life as a friend of my sister is a democrat. She at least is not as far left as the whackjob 9 running for President. You can be friends with liberals, you can be neighbors, you can take them to dinner. A lot of them are truly caring people. HOwever, they have failed to take charge of the movement, and now all that is in charge is a group of hate filled, angry folks who have no vision. Liberalism has lost its vision, and that is what saddens me. They have no vision for Iraq, no vision for fighting this fight against terror, and yet they claim they know conservatives have it wrong, that George W. has it wrong. The liberal leaders are all about power: folks like Terry McAullife, Daschole, Hillary, Bill, and the Nincompoop 9. They care not for anything but being in power and taking more of your money. They hide behind that equal distribution, etc., but it is a farce. Be friends with liberals, maybe we can then work together for America, but right now their leaders have it wrong, their ideas right now just are not in America's best interests, and they have no vision. I would not recommend dating them, as they could corrupt you (thanks to Sean Hannity for that line).
Just some thoughts.....
May have to OG tonight....
As Friday will be very busy, I think I am tempted to do my Friday ritual with friends on Thursday, so we can at least fellowship together for a while. I spend a lot of time with these guys, not because they are my only friends, but mostly because they are always there, when I need a lift. We all understand each other, and we all share some common ideas and pains.
Listen, people
...Stand up to the destruction of America. Do not let yourself become apathetic and dulled to the attacks on our values by the liberal media and elite. Stand up and be counted. Do not let the sensationalist negatives outweigh the positives. Think about one of the past Century's truly Great Presidents, Ronald Reagan. During his admin, the marginal tax rates were lowered, and the economy went up and we had the longest peacetime sustained growth in history. And, government revenues actually went up, because even though the tax rates were lower, people were making more money, and thus were getting more to the government, even if taxes were lowered. Also, Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union, when he came to office, most Americans were used to the idea of it being around forever. Reagan changed all that.....he planned for victory, because he had a vision for the future, with a free Russian people and EAstern European people. And he did not let things deter him from the vision.
We have a similar president now. He is staking everything on winning this war, just as Reagan staked everything on the tax cuts and fighting the Soviets. We need to stand behind him as we did with Reagan. The reason the whole Reagan series is coming out now is an attack on Conservatism, to present it as not having a heart, to present it as not being the ideals of prosperity, but that is what we are. We need to remember our accomplishments, and defend them, and see the vision through. Just as American pride and prosperity was at stake then, it is at stake now.
Well, enough soapboxing for today.....Keep your head up and stick on the ice....God bless you all, and May God Bless America!