Posted by Mark at 4:19 PM
FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At long last, my faith (wavering though it sometimes is) in the American people has been justified again. They saw past the misrepresentation and the B.S. and the lies perpetuated by the Hollywood Left, George Soros, (can't ever), and that fat, idiotic tub of goooo Michael Moore. George W. Bush rose from the ashes of skewed exit polls perpetuated by the media, including, surprisingly, Matt Drudge.
George W. Bush won with a consistent and positive vision for America. He provided clear moral clarity and consistency in leadership. He articulated his vision, even as Kerry talked plans but never delivered.
Of course, the Left will blame the media for leaking the exit polls and galvanizing the Republican electorate. Even though the media was in the tank all year for Kerry, the hardcore Left will jump the shark and blame their propaganda wing. And, also, I think there was some conflagration by the Kerry campaign attempting to suppress the vote by presenting a Kerry landslide to discourage Republicans from going out to vote, just as they cost Bush some 23,000 votes in the Florida panhandle in 2000.
What this shows is that the Republicans have learned to play the ground game, and to play it well. Despite lame attempts at crying voter intimidation, the election here in Ohio went smoothly. The election nationally went smoothly. And the American people realized that hate speech and just being against someone does not win an election.
Kudos to John Kerry for not pulling a Gore and wigging out. However, it appears Edwards is going to be a sore loser with his cries for continued fighting. According to Edwards, it was only the Kerry voters who stood in the rain or waited, despite the facts to the contrary. And Bob Beckel further drove nails into the coffin of the Dims controlling the South by hoping that the South breaks away and forms a Confederacy....
Let's just hope that the Left tries to attempt to come together, but I doubt it. Look at how they destroyed the togetherness after 9/11. Look at how they betrayed Bush after he attempted to work with them on NCLB. I hope for the best, but given the Clintonista control of the party, I expect the worse.
Having worked on the campaign very hard, it is gratifying to see the President win, and it sends a clear message to those snivelling weasels overseas that this Sheriff is still in town and is going to keep up the fight, so you better get on board or shut the heck up. And, I love the fact that we have again a man of faith in the Oval Office, as opposed to a man who has faith only in his sex drive.
On a more personal note, it is once again good to be on the side of good and order...and I am laughing at the 'superior intellect.'
Tell me, do you know the Klingon proverb that says revenge is an election that has a clear majority in the electoral college AND popular vote?
God bless you all, President Bush, and the United States of America.
This was Mark, thanks for reading...